Acute Pain:
For acute injury we offer traditional chiropractic care using a variety of adjusting techniques. Everyone is unique and we work together to deliver what care is needed at time of appointment. Not a cookie cutter routine for everyone or every appointment.
Chronic Conditions:
For Chronic conditions, traditional care is not very effective. At best, it will make you feel better temporarily. We have a different approach for chronic conditions that involve retraining the body to its “original default state”. When a condition lasts more than a few months, the body mechanics are changed, and without intervention, this change will continue long after the injury should have healed. You will continue to experience pain long after the expected timeframe for healing. We have successfully treated patients with severe symptoms for many years.
“Cant see the forest for the tree’s”: With chronic ailments, you have to look past the individual pain you are experiencing and start seeing a bigger picture of the complete state of being. Chronic pain does not just “hurt”, it takes a toll on your physical, emotional and financial wellbeing. This condition cannot be solved treating just the pain area. If you feel frozen in your pain cycles, and want to know how a whole-body approach can help, contact us.
We understand the financial, emotional, and physical toll it takes on you. As a doctor its incredible to help you take your life back and become pain free again. With using a “Neuroplasticity approach” we can truly make changes to your body that not only get rid of the pain but lasts forever. You owe it to yourself to find out about this work. If you are suffering from a chronic condition, then please contact us today to have a consultation and see what we can do for you. You truly do not need to suffer anymore.
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